Facebook is (as we're sure you are already aware) a social networking site connecting 845 million monthly active users (at the end of December 2011).
Facebook allows you to interact with your clients and potential clients in new and exciting ways, these include facebook pages, apps, likes, shares, fbml, and, facebook api.
This is why we have listed facebook as a technology in it's own right as otherwise we would be listing all of the above separately

www.patients2profits.com & www.chirogiveaway.com www.chirogiveaway.com and www.patients2profits.com are designed to channel leads for Steman Publications LLC for their best selling series patients to profits the complete chiropractic success system. The sites are designed so that unless you are provided with the relevant link for each section you cannot access that page, this allows Steman...
Read Moreocean105.com

Ocean105.com The Design for www.ocean105.com was provided as a layered PSD file and we produced a wordpress theme using this. The image slider at the bottom of every page we coded using jQuery and the language translations are provided by google...
Read Morepayrollserviceuk.co.uk

Payroll Service UK The Brief included: a fresh Design an online calculator the ability to update the content easily iOS Compatibility (this meant the site must display correctly on both the iPad and iPhone Which is not quite the same as having and iOS optimised site) We put together the design using Photoshop using fresh colours and making the navigation items stand out by offsetting them from...
Read MoreRed Magazine Theme

Red Magazine theme We were briefed to design and build a Fresh magazine theme for use with wordpress, With articles that can be sorted by Most popular: http://red.purplepanda.co.uk/popular/ and Newest in chronological order : http://red.purplepanda.co.uk/ . Popularity is gauged by counting each time the article or “post” is read and collecting that data into a custom field in...
Read Moretggf.us

the Greatest Generations Foundation The Brief was to take the old tggf site and update it with a fresh look and integrate a CMS that would allow the site owners to easily update the content. We heavily customized wordpress to achieve this for The Greatest Generation Foundation. Designs created in illustrator and...
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University of Dayton The University of Dayton Ohio asked us to add the ability to vote for your favourite video in the contest “Your Question. Your Mark.” using the facebook like button. The ten entries with the most votes were to win a...
Read MoreVideo Contest – Bill Gilbert Homes

Bill Gilbert Homes video contest Our client wanted to run a video contest in which votes are cast by clicking the “like” button underneath the entry. As the votes are cast the entry can climb up the list. Currently this is proof of concept and the contest is due to be launched...
Read Morevouchersgoviral.com

Vouchers go Viral Design and Development We were approached to use wordpress to deliver Vouchers to the website visitors, allowing the visitors to not only order the vouchers by the categories such as shopping but also to order the vouchers by the number of times the voucher had been shared via facebook, Google Plus one, or tweeted via twitter. We provided both the design and development for the...
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