Asbestos the truth 2015

Tasked to create a new website for the Asbestos the truth 2015 conference The brief was to provide a website to promote the Asbestos the truth conference 2015. Using a responsive design and a cms WordPress , the responsive design makes sure the site looks great on all devices and the cms makes updates straight...
Read & and are designed to channel leads for Steman Publications LLC for their best selling series patients to profits the complete chiropractic success system. The sites are designed so that unless you are provided with the relevant link for each section you cannot access that page, this allows Steman...

Kosher Dinner Journal The design for was provided by Velvet Ink Media in a Layered Photoshop file, we coded the theme for them from...

Payroll Service UK The Brief included: a fresh Design an online calculator the ability to update the content easily iOS Compatibility (this meant the site must display correctly on both the iPad and iPhone Which is not quite the same as having and iOS optimised site) We put together the design using Photoshop using fresh colours and making the navigation items stand out by offsetting them from...

Vouchers go Viral Design and Development We were approached to use wordpress to deliver Vouchers to the website visitors, allowing the visitors to not only order the vouchers by the categories such as shopping but also to order the vouchers by the number of times the voucher had been shared via facebook, Google Plus one, or tweeted via twitter. We provided both the design and development for the...
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