PurplePanda has carried out the work to a good quality standard and to an agreed fixed budget, and well within the timescales required. Highly recommended developers.

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Project Title
Wordpress project
Project Description
I wish to deploy a template called JobRoller from http://www.appthemes.com/themes/jobroller/ to set up a Job Board website. The site (work in progress) can be viewed here: http://www.Negz.co.uk The customizations I need are on the "Submit a Job" process: 1. New Field: "Company Type" - which could be "Direct Employer" or "Employment Agency". This field would appear under "Company Name" on the Submit Page 2. If the Company Type is "Employment Agency" the user MUST select one of the Job Packs that are headed "Agency" - else if the Company Type is "Direct Employer" then the user will have a default FREE Job Pack - which will last only 30 days. However, if their Company Name is already registered on the database they will have to pay £5 to insert a new Job. 3. Fully test using (PayPal Sandbox) all Job Pack options Please note I have been advised my a technical developer (colleague) that this project should not take more than 1-2 hours to complete by someone who knows what they are doing. I have asked him to do the work but he is now on vacation and not back for at least 2 weeks!!